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Practicum Students


Center for Personal Wellness is a group therapy practice started with the intention to provide clients with skillful and compassionate care and provide therapists with a supportive and empowering workplace.


CPW's goal for our practicum students is to produce well-rounded, highly competent, systemically focused clinicians with strong clinical skills. While we understand everyone has a vision of their own ideal clients, working with children, teens and families is not optional at CPW during practicum. ALL of our practicum students and interns will be asked to see some children, teens and families. We provide adequate support and supervision to increase clinical skills with these populations.


Because of the nature of working with children, teens and families, we ask that all practicum students and interns commit to working ideally one evening a week (from 4-8pm), in which you will be asked to prioritize children, teens and families.  This is a policy that allows for adequate space in your schedule for these populations.


Minimum Qualification Requirements:

  • In a Master's Program in Clinical Counseling, Therapy or Social Work

  • Available to work minimum 10-12 hours of clinical work per week

  • You seek feedback from and collaboration with clinical supervisors and other clinicians in the practice, and respond to feedback with openness and grace

  • You are able and willing to consistently respond to clients, the clinical supervisors and other clinicians within 24 hours of contact, and to complete clinical notes within 24 hours of a session

  • Ability to be humble and accountable, admit areas of growth, and work to remedy problems with the help of others in the practice with a spirit of generosity

  • Desire to continue learning about oppression and privilege, and how it impacts the clients we work with, and ourselves

  • Want to be part of a positive work community


We provide:

  • Steady stream of referrals
  • Liability insurance (in addition to your school's liability insurance)

  • Complete billing support

  • Monthly consult groups and collaboration

  • Supportive team environment

  • Comfortable office space

  • HIPAA compliant EHR

  • Clinical supervision


If you are interested in applying, we ask you submit an application for practicum ideally two (2) quarters before you wish to begin, with the latest 1 quarter before you wish to begin.


For considerations, applicants must:


  • Email a cover letter and your resume/curriculum vitae to

  • Complete the CPW supplemental application

    Thank you for your interest in joining Center for Personal Wellness. I look forward to reviewing your application.  - Laura Roetgerman


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